Friday, December 2, 2011

Here's how my day went

Woke up and had pie.  So good so far.  Then Sophie said she felt bad, and then barfed.  My Mom called and told me that their phones were almost dead and they had no power.  Or heat.  So, I cancel my lunchdate with Rachelle (which I had totally been looking forward to), and drive to Arcadia with a stove, flashlights, and a phone charger.   Trees down everywhere and a general lack of traffic lights make means it takes three times as long to drive anywhere once you leave the freeway.

   I get to my dad's house, he walks out to say hi, and explains that he needs help fixing the his apartment...which he was trying to fix earlier that morning...two weeks after getting out of the hospital.  He then mumbles that he's tired, looks kind of odd for a second, and falls straight backwards, his head going into a bush instead of the concrete walkway a foot away.

   He refuses help getting up and lays on the ground for a minute or two before very slowly getting up.  At this point, he lets me talk him into staying home while I go to Home Depot to get the toilet parts.  But before that, I decide to set up a camp stove for them. Cause, you know, hot food.

    As I plug in a brand-new canister of fuel in my previously trusty Coleman Exponent stove, the seal somehow ruptures and a stream of cloudy white butane comes shooting out the top.  Backpacking, burning man, car camping.  I frantically rush it out the back door and watch it slowly spray butane all over the backyard.  Happily, there was one can of gas left that was fine.  I made dad some soup, his first hot food in >24 hours.

   On the way to Home Depot, I find a Donut place open.  They have six donuts left.  That's it.  This will be the last place that has food I find open the rest of the day.  It takes an hour to get to the store and back.

   I drive both of my folks to the apartment  and fix their toilet surprisingly easily (the whole time trying to convince my dad that spending money on a plumber is not wasting money).  Afterwards, we drive around looking for a restaurant that's open.  We find a restaurant and go in.  Well, almost go in, as Dad begins to buckle at the knees again just before we walk in.  At this point, he (amazingly!) suggests that he should probably go home and lay down.

    At home, he feels better and my mom asks if we can go get some windshield wipers.  Because she needs new wipers.  My dad says that he'll drive to the dealer tomorrow to get them.  It's just over in Pasadena.  sigh.  So, I drive to the pep boys nearby and buy wipers in a dark, but open store.  On the way back, my mom and I look for food, get stuck at intersections, and find that about 1 in every 6 blocks is blocked by downed trees.  This takes an hour and a half.

   Then it's off to visit David.  Who was setting up an XBox and looked a tad cranky.  Which, frankly, suited me fine.  We smoked a bowl together, this was the highlight of my day.

    I make it home, and find that Ricky's teacher had given him an essay. On Friday.  Due Tuesday.  And by essay, I mean that she wants Eight Fucking questions answered in "complete" paragraph form.  I've scanned the assignment to give you a complete idea.  Oh yes, this was in addition to the powerpoint presentation due, and the three page homework also due.  This is all in one class.  In sixth grade.  Which essentially means that i) I have to write the paper for him ii) we spend four to five hours a day on the weekend and monday to finish it iii) we tell him to blow it off, which he doesn't want to do.

    Sophie feels better.  My dad says his back is sore but he's OK. I'm going to watch a movie.

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