Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The hedonistic treadmill

One thing you don't need to stop working during your kid's xmass vacation is your DVD player. So, one fast trip to best buy for a blu-ray player later, the kid's are watching their daily dose of video.

Combined with the new phone, I having that "i just spent a ton of money-do I really need all this crap" feeling.

Ricky saw minecraft, so we might set up a server so we can both play at the same time.

Ah, technology. I wonder if I say down and calculated the amount of time setting up phones and accounts, and moving emails; would that time be greater than the time spent actually enjoying the content?
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  1. Hey, I think I'm your first follower. Firsties!

    I got Black Dynamite on blue-ray for xmas, and I don't have a player. Also have Watchmen. We should convene.

  2. So, I posted something that got eaten. Argh?!

    Anyways, my Blu-Ray can be controlled with my phone. MY PHONE!

    Which is actually better than control with my mind, because if a TV was controlled by my mind, the picture would get fuzzy when I was drinking. And then the kids would get upset.
